Have more questions? See if they are answered here.
When does registration open?
Registration opens April 1, 2025 for all participants.
My child is not a Girl Scout, can she come to camp?
Yes! For many of our campers and counselors, camp is the only Girl Scout program they will attend each year. In order to come to camp, you will have to pay an extra $25 so we can register her as a Girl Scout so she is covered by our insurance.
Registering as a Girl Scout through camp does not place her in a troop. To join a troop, contact the Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington.
How can I guarantee my child a spot in camp?
By volunteering all week! Children (and their buddy) of ALL WEEK and core staff volunteers will be given priority placement. The number of campers that we can register will depend on the number of adult volunteers.
Can I pick up my camper early at camp? Can I pick up my camper at camp and not the bus stop?
No. WoW Day Camp is a CLOSED camp. This means no early pick ups at camp- no exceptions. If your child becomes sick at camp and wants/needs to go home, we will call you to pick them up. However picking up your child early for a doctors appointment or soccer game, for example, will not be allowed.
This is a safety reason. We want to be able to provide a safe place for your child to be, having so many people come into and out of camp makes it harder to insure that safety.
What happens if my camper does not wear appropriate shoes to camp?
We will check every camper as they get on the bus for appropriate shoes. If they are not wearing correct shoes, they will be asked to get appropriate shoes and then driven to camp.
Sometimes a camper will get on the bus without appropriate shoes. They will be checked again when taking attendance for appropriate shoes. If your camper does not have the correct shoes, they will not be able to participate in activities until appropriate shoes are found or delivered by the parent to camp.
My camper has a severe allergy, can she still come to camp?
Short answer is yes. We do out best to avoid accidental ingestion. However, there is always the chance it will happen.
For more information, see the Allergy Section of General Info. Contact the camp Directors if you have anymore questions or concerns.
Do we still have camp if it rains?
Yes! Generally the weather in early August is nice and sunny, but if it does rain, camp goes on! Make sure to bring appropriate rain gear and all should be good.
Am I going to be in a unit with all of my friends?
Yes and no. We only allow ONE buddy request to be made- the buddies must request each other. A large part of camp is making new friends. We make sure there is a good mix of girls from different schools and troops in each unit.
When making a buddy request, avoid making "buddy trains" where Camper A requests Camper B, who then requests Camper C, and so on. Large "trains" will not be put together, and most likely split up between units. We make sure that each girl knows someone in their unit.
If no buddy is requested, we will try to place that camper with another girl from her troop or school, when possible.
I have a Junior camper, why can't they attend the overnight?
We wish we could accommodate 4th graders and up for the overnight, however our camp has grown too large that we unfortunately only have the space for 6th grade and up. It is for safety reasons that we have enough building space in case of rain or thunderstorms.
Still have questions? Ask a core staff member! Contact Us